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About “Care You Deserve” Women’s Cancers Campaign

Care You Deserve

According to the estimation of the Hong Kong Cancer Registry, incidence of ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer and breast cancer will keep ascending to a level we should pay attention to. Women’s cancers rob women of choices and rip families and relationships apart. Therefore, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society jointly organise the “Care You Deserve” Women’s Cancers Campaign with the aim to raise awareness on women’s cancers. Donation raised with deduction of administrative cost will be allocated to setting up education corners.
Women need to work and take care of their families at the same time.

It’s time to CARE for yourself!
It’s time to CARE YOU DESERVE!
Please join us, say NO to women’s cancers!



In the past 50 years or so, we have all along devoted efforts in serving gynaecological cancer patients, providing training for medical staff and conducting various types of researches, as well as actively taking part in different activities promoting prevention  of gynaecological cancer. Our patient support group holds regular gatherings for providing gynaecological cancer patients and cancer survivors with cancer-related information and psychological support.

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society (HKACS) is the most enduring non-profit making cancer organization in Hong Kong. HKACS is devoted to advocating cancer prevention through education, research, developing cancer screening and prevention guidelines as well as counseling services with the aim to increase knowledge and awareness of cancer among the general public. In the past 50 years or so, HKACS has made constant improvements and established different services and facilities for ensuring the actual needs of patients and their families are met. HKACS Jockey Club Cancer Rehabilitation Centre (JCCRC) provides a one-stop nursing and rehabilitation service and offering different charity programs such as “Charity Bed” and “Betterment Funds” to help cancer patients with limited financial resources to receive free inpatient services and cancer treatment.



Hong Kong Women Development Association Limited, a charitable organisation officially recognised by the Government in 2000, was formed in 1996 to strengthen the concepts of confidence, self-esteem, and independence among women; Concern the rights of women and children; Raise the quality among women; Assist women to develop their potential & initiate various kinds of women’s services.

The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK) is a non-profit making organisation, advocating, promoting and providing information, education, medical and counseling services in sexual and reproductive health for the community. FPAHK was one of the 8 founding members of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).

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